A Time of Reflection and Intention

Preparing for the Journey

Preparing for the Journey: A Time of Reflection and Intention

The journey through the Dark Night of the Soul is not a sprint or a task to check off a list. It is a slow unfolding, a sacred invitation to walk alongside God in ways that deeply shape our being. Over the next year, we will explore one stanza of St. John of the Cross’s work each month, taking time to reflect, rest, and grow. But before we step into the night, we pause.

These next few weeks are about preparing the heart. Not in the sense of doing or accomplishing, but in creating space—space to breathe, to notice, and to open ourselves to the possibilities that lie ahead. This journey isn’t about adding one more practice to your already full life. It is an invitation to discover what is already present, waiting for you.

As you consider this journey, remember that no two paths are the same. How you walk, how you listen, how you connect with God will be uniquely yours. Take these words from Jesus as your guide:
“Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (Matthew 11:28, The Message)

Over the next few days, these short offerings are meant to meet you where you are—whether you’re curious, hesitant, longing, or weary. Take the journey at your own pace, in your own way. Use them as you feel led, letting them guide your reflection and prepare your heart for what is to come.