Monday: Entering the Wilderness
Daily Reflection – The First Steps
The wilderness is not something we control. It is something we step into. There is no roadmap, no clear endpoint, only the invitation to enter and trust that we are not alone.
At the edge of something unknown, the instinct is often to resist, to grasp for what is familiar, to find a way back to certainty. But the wilderness asks us to let go. To loosen our grip on what we think we need and allow ourselves to be led.
Where do you feel the tension between stepping forward and holding back?
What might happen if you release your need to control the way this journey unfolds?
Sacred Invitation – A Threshold Moment
The wilderness is a threshold. A crossing from one way of being into another. A space between what was and what will be.
Jesus did not drift into the wilderness. He was led. And so are we. Not into chaos, not into abandonment, but into a place where distractions fall away and what is real remains.
Today, you do not need to map the whole journey. You only need to step in.
“Even here, I am not alone.”
A Somatic Practice – Placing Your Feet on the Ground
Find a quiet place to stand. Barefoot, if possible.
Feel the ground beneath you. The solidness of it. The way it holds your weight.
Take a deep breath. Then another. Let the inhales be steady, the exhales slow.
With each breath, imagine yourself standing at the edge of the wilderness, choosing to step in. Not with fear, but with trust.
Take one slow step forward. Then another.
Let your body teach you what your mind cannot yet grasp: You are being held. You are not lost. This ground is holy.
Closing Reflection – The Courage to Begin
The wilderness is unfamiliar, but it is not empty.
It is full of unseen provision, full of presence, full of things waiting to be revealed in their time.
You are not here by accident.
You are not here alone.
This is the beginning.
Take the step.
Trust the path.
Let yourself be led.