You don’t have to pedal out parroted answers!
In this audio, I share about an experience I had while training to become a yoga therapist. I was reminded of that moment today and I wanted to share it with you. So what happened? In a posture that was creating a lot of stretch in my body, I had this picture. It was of a parrot riding on the handle bars of a bike. The moment, I saw it? I knew… I knew that I had been pedaling out parroted answers my whole life. There were moments as a woman and as a mom, that I didn’t share, that I didn’t speak up. We all have our reasons. The problem was… I needed to share and speak up, I just felt like it was too much.
The really great thing about life is that it continues to offer up opportunities, right?!?!?! I learned how to find my voice and ground to stand on. SO… I want to say:
There is space for you! There is breath for you! You can be you, where you are and how you are in your journey of being a woman who is a mom.
I am passionate to create a community of women who know that they have room to breathe and space to be real..